Biblical Parallels Index – Bereshit 14

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This index is meant to help the reader explore Biblical parallels, be they two accounts of the same event, stories with similar motifs and themes, or units of text which are linguistically similar and perhaps alluding one to the other. The page includes links to tools that aid in comparison, primary sources that touch upon the parallels, and summaries of and links to articles which analyze them in depth.

The Election of Jerusalem

Though Jerusalem is never mentioned in Torah, two stories from the Avraham narratives have been connected to the city: Bereshit 14's story of Malki Tzedek, king of Shalem, identified as Jerusalem,1 and Bereshit 22's account of the Binding of Isaac on Mount Moriah, which Divrei HaYamaim  II 3:1 identifies with the site of the Mikdash.

Primary Sources

  • See Bereshit Rabbah 43:6 and Ibn Ezra and Ramban on Bereshit 14:18 who all identify Shalem with Jerusalem.

Articles and Lectures

  • In his lecture, Jerusalem’s Dual Election by Avraham and David,  Dr. Avraham Walfish explores the above two Avraham narratives along with two stories from the life of David: David's request to build the Mikdash in Shemuel II 8 and the acquisition of Aravnah's threshing floor (later, the site of the Mikdash) in Shemuel II 24. R. Dr. Walfish questions what these might teach about the selection of Jerusalem. He notes two approaches to sacred space, those who maintain that certain spaces are inherently holy, chosen as such from the beginning of time, and those who suggest that historical events might impart sanctity to a place. He suggests that some of the above narratives focus on human choice and initiative, while others focus on Hashem's determination. Jerusalem's choice thus exemplifies that despite the fact that humans must submit their will to that of the Divine, human autonomy and Divine authority can still coexist.2